Facial Fillers


Restylane, Juvederm and Radiesse are all safe, long lasting facial fillers. In 2013 more than 2.0 million soft tissue filler treatments were performed with these products. They are injected into the face with a very fine needle, leaving almost no bruising after the treatment. There may be a bit of swelling in the injection area for a few days, but very little. The result is instantaneous, producing a long-lasting, natural enhancement, gentle and safe to the skin. Whether your issue is facial lines, thin lips, or hollow cheeks, fillers can help. Fillers can also help reshape the nose, and make jowls much less noticeable, along with a much more defined jawline. All injections are performed by our board certified plastic surgeon medical director Dr. Ken Dembny. A consultation to discuss options and concerns is necessary to book an injection appointment.


Chemical Peels


HydraGlow Facial