Venus Legacy


Venus 4D™ Technology – Raising the Bar

Yet again, Venus Concept’s advances in technology see them the focal point of the industry. In the past, liposuction, an invasive procedure, was the only option for body contouring.

Venus Legacy offered at our Columbus and Dayton, OH locations is the first of its kind and the only FDA-approved device to utilize 4D technology, combining the new Vari-Pulse technology with that of proven multi-polar + magnetic pulse (MP)² technology to provide you with safe, pain-free treatments with superior results.

Multi-Polar RF delivers superior clinical outcomes by administering painless, fast, homogeneous heating to multiple depths of tissue. Harnessing its scientifically proven regenerative properties, pulsed magnetic fields technology has been used for decades in traditional medicine.

The Venus Legacy is the only all-in-one workstation is the best solution when trying to combat those stubborn areas of cellulite and fat.

By combining proven 3D (MP) energy with the new innovative Vari-Pulse technology it is possible for the energy to travel greater depths into the body’s tissue and skin. This deep reaching energy is fundamental in creating an increase in blood circulation, immediate skin plumping, and radiantly glowing skin.

What To Expect
Venus Legacy™ treatments are non-invasive and painless, with many patients comparing the treatment to a hot-stone massage! Treatments take approximately 30-40mins depending on the area, you can expect to see results as the treatments progress, a minimum of 6 treatments for the face, 8 on the neck and 10 on the body.

Venus Legacy™ at Beja Body

As a non-surgical med spa treatment, Venus Legacy™ provides long-term results for body contouring, cellulite reduction, stretch mark reduction, wrinkle reduction, and skin tightening anywhere on the body; with NO pain, discomfort or downtime.

Venus Legacy™ Body Shaping Treatments at Beja Body

As we get older, our bodies start to produce less collagen and store more fat—this is what eventually leads to wrinkles, sagging, cellulite and other signs of aging. Venus Legacy™ uses heat to naturally boost collagen production and break down fat cells, which tightens sagging skin*, smooths out cellulite, and makes the body look slimmer and more toned*. Venus Legacy™ will also help to reduce fine and lines and wrinkles, leaving you with smoother, younger-looking skin.

Venus Legacy™ is the Ultimate Non-Surgical Body Shaping Solution:

epic MedSpa uses Venus Legacy for two specific body contouring purposes-tightening loose and sagging skin (common in the aging process, after weight loss or childbirth) and for reducing cellulite (caused by underlying fat deposits that give the skin a dimpled or lumpy appearance). Venus Legacy is cutting-edge technology that utilizes multi-polar radio frequency and pulsed magnetic fields which causes a thermal reaction in the tissue that stimulates the body’s natural healing response. This results in a reduction of cellulite and noticeable tightening of the skin. The treated area can immediately look smoother and firmer.

Am I a good candidate for this treatment? Will this treatment work for me?

The best candidate is someone who wants to improve the appearance of body fat and/or pockets of cellulite, but who doesn’t want surgery. An ideal candidate is also someone who is starting to lose elasticity in their skin and is showing early signs of sagging and wrinkles. 

I have darker skin—can I still get this treatment done?

Yes. Venus Legacy uses technology that’s safe for all skin tones, even darker ones. 

How many sessions will I need to see results?

Most patients receive 6-10 treatments per area. Six sessions are for the face and neck, and 10 sessions are needed for the body areas. 

How often/far apart should the treatments be?

Treatments are done once a week.

How long does a treatment session take?

Each session lasts 15-30 minutes per area.

What does the treatment feel like?

The applicator will slowly get warmer till your skin reaches the needed temperature and stays within that temperature range. Along with the gentle heat, you will also feel a gentle suction on your skin, like a very low-power vacuum, as the applicator moves around the area. Most people feel the treatment is like a warm lymphatic massage. 

How long will the results last and are they permanent?

The treatments are cumulative. After your final treatment, your results will continue to improve for up to 3-4 months. After that, your face and body continue to age, so maintenance is recommended once a month or every 3-4 months, depending on the person.

Is there really no downtime?

Absolutely no downtime. The treatment area may look a little flushed and warm to the touch, but this will go away within 1-2 hours. You can return to your daily schedule immediately after your treatment. 

Do I need to do anything after my treatment? 

We recommend applying lotion 2x daily to the treatment areas, and drinking 60 oz of water a day. For body treatments, we also recommend a bit of physical activity within 8 hours of treatment to help with circulation movement, even a 20 min walk is great.

Can I put on makeup or lotion right after a treatment on my face?

Yes, you can apply makeup and/or immediately after your treatment. 


Venus Bliss


Venus Versa