Venus Viva Anti-Aging


epic MedSpa is committed to providing the leading edge in anti-aging technology and has invested in Venus Viva to provide the most exciting, innovative technology.

What Does Venus Viva Treat?

From remodeling and resurfacing uneven skin tone; to smoothing lines, deep folds and wrinkles; or reducing visible pores, Venus Viva also corrects pigmentation, irregular texture and even those stubborn stretch marks. And there's, still, more.

For diminishing acne scars and relieving Rosacea; tightening the jowls and jawline; and firming lax or "crepey" skin around the neck and delicate décolleté, Light-Rx honors its commitment to bring you the safest, ground-breaking products and procedures to meet all your needs.

How Does Venus Viva Work?

With its patented NanoFractional Radio Frequency™, Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields and one-of-a-kind SmartScan™ technology, Venus Viva permeates through several layers of skin to boost the production of your body's own collagen and achieve and maintain a fuller, firmer more youthful appearance. And Venus Viva has the versatility to treat more than just one concern over a larger body area, in a single session.

Perhaps the feature that makes the Venus Viva so unique - in fact, has made it a global Clinic and Patient favorite - is that this is the only non-invasive radio frequency process that allows your physician to fully customize your procedure to your wishes and personal preferences. Now instead of the product, it's the practitioner who controls the pace, the depth and the intensity of your treatment. And it's the commitment VenusMedSpa honors in taking care of our customers.

Diminish signs of skin damage.

Venus Viva™ is a non-surgical solution for skin resurfacing that corrects signs of skin damage and improves the appearance of acne scars and other scars, stretch marks, rosacea, enlarged pores, deep wrinkles, and uneven skin texture and pigmentation.

Smoother skin without the downtime.

When it comes to skin resurfacing, CO2 lasers used to be the frontrunner, but these procedures also came with a lot of pain and downtime that could last several weeks, if not longer (since they essentially remove the top layer of your skin). Venus Viva™ skin resurfacing treatments, on the other hand, deliver the same results, just with significantly less pain and much lower downtime. And Venus Viva™ treatments are safe for all skin tones! 

How it works:

Venus Viva™ skin resurfacing treatments work with tiny pins that safely deliver heat (via NanoFractional Radio Frequency) through the skin’s surface. This creates tiny micro-dermal wounds, which the body naturally heals on its own. This process repairs signs of skin damage visible on the surface of the skin. Since the wounds are so small, the treatment is much more comfortable than traditional CO2 lasers, while still producing incredibly visible results.

Your provider may also enhance your treatment plan with the DiamondPolar™ applicator, which works to further diminish lines and wrinkles. The DiamondPolar™ applicator uses Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields to produce uniform heat under the skin’s surface. This process helps to naturally increase collagen and elastin fibers, resulting in smoother, firmer skin that looks noticeably more youthful.

Safe for all skin tones:
Unlike most other skin resurfacing treatments that are not safe for darker skin tones, Venus Viva™ is safe for all ethnicities, even for darker complexions.

Low to no downtime:
Return to your daily skin care routine 24 hours after skin resurfacing treatments. No downtime at all for wrinkle reduction treatments.

Quick treatment:
Most sessions should be completed in one hour, this includes time for a topical numbing cream pre-procedure.

Venus Viva combines NanoFractional Radio Frequency (RF) and SmartScan technology into a system that delivers proven results through a skin heating process that offers minimal discomfort to the patient. Venus Viva is designed for use in dermatological procedures. Venus Viva delivers energy through the epidermis, to the dermis, to generate heat and initiate skin change, rebuilding collagen and fibroblast stimulation, all resulting in tissue remodeling. Because it does not use laser or light, Venus Viva allows for all skin types and locations (except eyelids and lips) to be treated. Benefits of this treatment include the reduction of wrinkles, skin laxity, scars, acne scars, pores, textural irregularities, tone, and superficial skin lesions.

Venus Viva treatments are most effective when done as a series of treatments, with at least 3 treatments being completed, usually in 4-6 week intervals. Multiple treatments are needed for full effects and you will continue to see your improvements develop, becoming more and more noticeable 2-6 months after your series is completed. 

Most patients elect to have Venus Viva treatments to their face, although some patients also have their necks and/or chests treated. The only areas that are not able to be treated with Venus Viva are the eyelids and lips.

Shortly after the treatment there will be moderate redness and some light swelling of the treated zone in patterns the size of the treatment applicator. The redness should stop after a few hours, and the swelling should go down within 12-24 hours.You may experience itchiness as the sites continue to heal. You may take an over-the-counter allergy pill if you desire or by apply hydrocortisone cream. Do not scratch, itch, or pick at the sites.


Venus Viva results will continue to develop over the coming months, as new collagen is created. Each session will further ablate and resurface the skin, resulting in a reduction of wrinkles, skin laxity, smaller pores, textural irregularities, and scarring. Again some patients with melasma will also notice the breaking up of various pigment.

Am I a good candidate for this treatment? Will this treatment work for me?

The ideal candidate is anyone who shows signs of skin damage, including deep wrinkles, scars, visible pores, stretch marks, and/or anything else that affects the skin’s texture.

I have darker skin – can I still get this treatment done?

Yes. Venus Viva™ uses technology that’s safe for all skin tones, even darker ones.

How many sessions will I need to see results?

Most patients receive 4 treatments per area. The exact number will depend on each individual person and the area being treated.

How often/far apart should the treatments be?

Treatments are done 4 weeks apart.

How long does a treatment session take?

Each session takes 15 minutes.

What does the treatment feel like?

You will feel tiny pins on your skin followed by a little zap. Your face will then feel warm, like a very mild sunburn.

How will I feel after my treatment?

Your skin will be red and feel warm afterward, like a very mild sunburn.

Is there downtime after the treatment? / How long is recovery time?

Very minimal downtime if any. The face will be red and blotchy the day of the treatment, and most people show zero signs the next day.  On a more aggressive treatment, or on extremely sensitive skin the redness/ blotchiness may continue for a few more days.  Always make sure to keep your skin clean and protected from the sun with a good SPF.

How long will the results last and are they permanent?

After your final treatment, your results will continue to improve. One touch-up session is recommended  every 3 months, however since each session will continue improvements some continue the treatments every 6 to 8 weeks for added benefits.

Can I put on makeup or lotion right after a treatment on my face?

With anyone that is acne sensitive, we recommend not applying anything for 12 hours, otherwise a light lotion and spf may be applied depending on the individual.


Venus Versa


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